V.K. Ivanov is a specialist in the field of chemistry and technology of inorganic materials. V.K. Ivanov is the author of more than 300 scientific articles, 7 monographs, and 15 RF patents. He is Chairman of the IGIC RAS Scientific Board, Chairman of the IGIC RAS Dissertation Board, Member of Dissertation Boards at the Moscow State University and the Baykov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials RAS. He is Member of the Council for Scientific Instrumentation at FANO Russia; Member of the Expert Council on the Observance of the Rights and Social Protection of Teachers and Researchers under the Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation; Member of the Board of the Center for Excellence in Materials and Technologies in Tomsk State University; Member of the Expert Committee on chemical and biological sciences of Moscow State University. Scientific interests of V.K. Ivanov are related to the development of the fundamental principles of obtaining functional materials.
V.K. Ivanov has been working in IGIC RAS since 1993; since 2012 – Deputy Director for Science, Head of the Laboratory of Synthesis of Functional Materials and Mineral Processing at IGIC RAS, since 2015 – Director of IGIC RAS.
V.K. Ivanov is Laureate of RAS Medal with Awards for Young Scientists (2005), Grant from the President of the Russian Federation for Young Scientists (2005), MAIK Science/Interperiodica Awards (2005, 2007), Russian Chemical Reviews Prize (2016), IGIC RAS Commemorative Medal “Academician N.S. Kurnakov” (2017), Medal “For Contribution to Development of Tomsk State University” (2018), Honorary Certificate of FANO Russia (2018), Grebenshchikov Prize of RAS (2018).
He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland, Member of the Presidium of the Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society, Member of the Executive Committee of the Russian Neutron Diffraction Society.
V.K. Ivanov is Head of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Rare and Trace Elements, Nanoscale, and Composite Materials named after K.A. Bolshakov (Moscow Technological University MIREA), Professor at the Department of Materials Science (Moscow State University); he lectures at the National Research Tomsk State University. Under his supervision, six Ph.D. theses were successively prepared and defended.
V.K. Ivanov is Member of the Editorial Boards of the journals Heliyon (Elsevier); Current Microwave Chemistry (Bentham Science); Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry; Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics; Fine Chemical Technologies; Tomsk State University Journal: Chemistry.
Head of more than 30 projects supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Federal Target Program, programs of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Department of Chemistry and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences.