IGIC RAS extensively works on ensuring the legal protection of the results of intellectual activity and provides both information analysis and patent-legal support for research activities.
valid patents for inventions
valid patents for utility models
inventions awarded Rospatent diplomas in nomination “100 Best Inventions of Russia”
The Patent Department takes part in preparing and holding the expositions of both completed works performed by IGIC RAS and the results of the most significant basic studies that are presented both at Russian and international exhibitions held in Russia and at foreign exhibitions organized by ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, companies, and organizations.
Developments of IGIC RAS have been awarded with medals and diplomas of various exhibitions, salons, forums, including:
- International Salon of Inventions, New Equipment and Goods (Switzerland, Geneva)
- Brussels-Eureka World Salon for Innovations, Research & Development, and Latest Technologies (Belgium, Brussels)
- International Fair of Eqipment and Technological Achievements TECHNICAL FAIR (Serbia, Belgrade)
- International Nanotechnology Exhibition & Conference NANO TECH (Japan, Tokyo)
- Harbin International Science and Technology Exhibitionand Fair (China, Harbin)
- International New Materials Technological Forum (China, Zibo)
- International Exhibition of Inventions IWIS (Poland, Warsaw)
- International Innovation Exhibition ARCA (Croatia, Zagreb)
- Russian National Exhibition (Israel, Tel Aviv)
- International Ecological Forum “Ecology of Big City” (Russia, St. Petersburg)
- International Exhibition and Forum “Water: Ecology and Technology” ECWATECH (Russia, Moscow)
- International Exhibition “Ecoefficiency” (Russia, Moscow)
- International Forum and Exhibition “High Technologies. XXI century” (Russia, Moscow)
- International Nanotechnology Forum RUSNANOTECH EXPO (Russia, Moscow)
- International Healthcare Exhibition (Moscow, Russia)
- International Exhibition of the Ideas, Inventions, Innovations (Moscow, Russia)
- International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes” (Russia, Moscow)