Scientific Boards operating at IGIC RAS join scientists conducting scientific searches in fundamental areas of research. IGIC RAS conducts expert examination of the scientific work of Russian Institutes in accordance with the instructions of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Department of Chemistry and Materials Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Scientific Board on Inorganic Chemistry RAS
Chairman –Academician of RAS N.T. Kuznetsov
Deputy Chairman –Corresponding Member of RAS K.Yu. Zhizhin
Scientific Secretary – Ph.D. in Chemistry G.A. Buzanov
The Board analyzes the state and trends of the domestic and world science development in the field of general and inorganic chemistry, prepares recommendations both for the Department or the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and concerned government authorities, develops the objectives and forecasts of basic research, formulates coordination plans and scientific programs. The Board prepares the proposals for targeted programs, recommendations on the result application of scientific research in various areas of state and economic activity, participates in the preparation of proposals for examining the projects and certification of scientific organizations. The Board is capable to nominate works for the State Prizes of the Russian Federation, Government Prizes of the Russian Federation, Gold Medals and Prizes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, organize national and international scientific events, prepare and publish scientific literature, provide recommendations about the organization of dissertation councils concerning the Board’s specialization.
Scientific Board on Analytical Chemistry RAS
Chairman –Academician of RAS Yu.A. Zolotov
Deputy Chairman– Academician of RAS Yu.A. Karpov
Deputy Chairman –Corresponding Member of RAS V.P. Kolotov
Deputy Chairman –Corresponding Member of RAS B.Ya. Spivakov
Deputy Chairman – Prof. G.I. Tsizin
Deputy Chairman –Corresponding Member of RAS O.A. Shpigun
Scientific Secretary – Ph.D. (Chemistry) I.N. Kiseleva
The Board analyzes the state-of-art in analytical chemistry in the country and abroad and states current problems and the main directions of scientific work in this field. The Board prepares relevant proposals, attracts scientific teams, teachers, and workers of the national economy to implement them. The Scientific Board is aimed at coordinating research work on analytical chemistry in the country, working out and bringing the proposals how to apply the results of scientific studies in the national economy, health care, environmental control, etc. An important task of the Board is to convene conferences, meetings, organizing seminars held in Moscow and other regions of the country. The Board is focused on training the scientific staff, addressing the issues of teaching analytical chemistry at universities, communicating with international scientific organizations, and publishing.
Scientific Board on Chemical Technology RAS
Chairman – Academician of RAS A.I. Khol’kin
Deputy Chairman –Corresponding Member of RAS V.K. Ivanov
Deputy Chairman – Dr. of Sciences (Engineering) A.A. Voshkin
Scientific Secretary – Ph.D. (Chemistry) Yu.A. Zakhodyaeva
The Board analyzes the state-of-art in chemical technology in Russia and abroad and identifies current problems and the main directions of scientific work in this field. According to the results of the analysis, the Board prepares proposals, recommendations, attracts teams of scientists, teachers, and workers of the national economy for their implementation. The Scientific Board is aimed at coordinating research work on chemical technology, working out and bringing proposals how to apply the results of scientific work in the national economy, health care, environmental control, etc. An important task of the Board is to participate in organizing and holding conferences, meetings, and seminars held in Moscow and other regions of the country. The Board is focused on training the scientific staff, teaching chemical technology in universities, communicating with international scientific organizations, and publishing.
Section on Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry of the Scientific Board on Physical Chemistry RAS
Chairman – Dr. of Sciences (Chemistry) K.S. Gavrichev
Deputy Chairman – Dr. of Sciences (Chemistry) A.I. Viktorov
Scientific Secretary – Dr. of Sciences (Chemistry) A.V. Knyazev
The Board coordinates scientific research in the field of chemical thermodynamics and thermochemistry conducted at the Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, higher educational institutions, and other research organizations of the Russian Federation, participates in holding thematic seminars, conferences, and Schools of Young Scientists. The Council is aimed at disseminating information about international scientific events in the field of chemical thermodynamics and thermochemistry and facilitating the participation of Russian scientists in international scientific conferences. Council members take part in the work of Commissions of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC): I.2. Commission on Thermodynamics; V.8. Commission on Solubility Data; the work of the Editorial Board of the Electronic Multidisciplinary Journal Issledovano v Rossii (Studied in Russia) [in Russian], the creation and maintenance of databases on sections of thermodynamics and thermochemistry.