Konstantin S. Gavrichev
Head of Laboratory, Dr. of Sciences (Chemistry)
- Synthesis of crystalline and nanoscale substances.
- Measurement of heat capacity and change in enthalpy of inorganic substances and materials using the methods of adiabatic, relaxation, differential scanning, and drop calorimetry.
- Study into parameters and nature of phase transformations in matter.
- Research into thermal decomposition processes of substances by STA and DSC, identification of the relationship between the parameters of transformations and composition of substances.
- Study into the size factor influence on the thermal and thermodynamic properties of substances.
- Simulation of temperature dependences of heat capacity.
- Creation and improvement of precision calorimetric installations; development and improvement of methods to measure thermal and thermodynamic properties.
The heat capacities of promising multifunctional materials LnPO4, LnVO4, Ln2Zr2O7, Ln(PO4)1–x(VO4)x (Ln = REE) were experimentally determined. The obtained reliable values of thermodynamic functions were recommended for databases.
The crystal size effect on the heat capacity of nanocrystalline orthophosphates of cerium subgroup lanthanides in various temperature ranges was identified.
The thermodynamic properties of a number of complex compounds were investigated, and the parameters of their thermolysis required to obtain nanoscale coatings were studied.
In collaboration with the Institute of Physics and Technology, Ural Branch RAS, thermodynamic modeling and deposition of Ta and TaC films and coatings on various materials were carried out.
The thermodynamic properties of a number of minerals were studied.
1. Pavel G. Gagarin Researcher, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
2. Larisa N. Golushina Head Technologist
3. Vladimir N. Gus’kov Leading Researcher, Dr. of Sciences (Chemistry)
4. Olga N. Kondrat’eva Researcher, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
5. Irina G. Kudryavtseva Technologist
6. Galina E. Nikiforova Researcher
7. Mikhail A. Ryumin Senior Researcher, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
8. Aleksandr V. Tyurin Senior Researcher, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
9. Andrey V. Khoroshilov Senior Researcher, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
10. Anton V. Gus’kov Junior Researcher
11. Ksenia I. Pechkovskaya Junior Researcher
- I. Bryukhanova, G.E. Nikiforova, A.V. Tyurin, M.A. Ryumin, K.S. Gavrichev, N.N. Smirnova. The heat capacity of LaPO4 and PrPO4 nanowhiskers: size effect and measurement features // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2018. V. 132(1). p. 337–342.
- Bryukhanova, G. Nikiforova, A. Khoroshilov, K. Gavrichev. Thermodynamics of PrPO4 whisker // Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. 2018. V. 120. p. 79–87.
- N. Kondrat’eva, G.E. Nikiforova, A.V. Tyurin, E.V. Shevchenko, E.V. Andrusenko, M.N. Smirnova, V.A. Ketsko, K.S. Gavrichev. Thermodynamic and magnetic properties of magnesium-gallium ferrite ceramics // Ceramics International. 2018. V. 44 (4). p. 4367–4374.
- N. Kondrat’eva, G.E. Nikiforova, A.V. Tyurin, M.A. Ryumin, V.M. Gurevich, A.P. Kritskaya, K.S. Gavrichev. Calorimetric study of ytterbium orthovanadate YbVO4 polycrystalline ceramics // Ceramics International. 2018. V. 44. p. 18103–18107.
- G. Gagarin, A. V. Tyurin, V. N. Gus’kov, A. V. Khoroshilov, K. S. Gavrichev. Thermodynamic properties and thermal expansion of Tm2O3 · 2ZrO2 solid solution // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2018. V. 63(11). P. 1478–1483.
- V. Tyurin, A.V. Khoroshilov, V.N. Gus’kov, G.E. Nikiforovaa, L.Kh. Baldaev, K. S. Gavrichev. Thermodynamic properties of monoclinic samarium orthotantalate M–SmTaO4 // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2018. V. 63(12). P. 1599–1604.
- N. Gracheva, A.Yu. Romanchuk, K.I. Bryukhanova, K.S. Gavrichev, S.N. Kalmykov. Sorption of Am(III) onto orthophosphates of the rare-earth elements with different crystal structure // Mendeleev Communications. 2017. V. 27 (2). p. 188–191.
- S. Gavrichev, M.A. Ryumin, A.V. Tyurin, G.E. Nikiforova, V.N. Gus’kov, A.P. Kritskaya, K.I. Bryukhanova, P.G. Gagarin. Low-temperature heat capacity and schottky anomaly of ErVO4 // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017. V. 91(4). P. 727–732.
- S. Gavrichev, M.A. Ryumin, G.E. Nikiforova, K.I. Bryukhanova, A.V. Khoroshilov. Phase transitions and thermodynamic properties of lanthanide compounds LnAO4 (A=P, V, Nb) // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017. V. 87(3). p. 583–590.
- M. Gurevich, V.O. Osadchii, V.B. Polyakov, K.S. Gavrichev, E.G. Osadchii. Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of sphalerite: Implication to sulfide solid-state galvanic cell measurements // Thermochimica Acta. 2016. V. 641. p. 14–23.
- V. Tyurin, N. A. Gribchenkova, V. N. Guskov, and K. S. Gavrichev. Thermodynamic properties of aluminum oxynitride from 0 to 340 K // Inorganic Materials. 2015. V. 51(4). P. 340–344.
- S. Gavrichev – MAIK Science/Interperiodica Award for the best publications published in the journal Inorganic Materials (2010), “Outstanding Reviewer” Certificate of the Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics (2016), Thermochimica Acta (2016), Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (2017), Honorary Certificate of FANO Russia for excellent work and outstanding achievements in professional activities (2018)
- A. Ryumin – winner of the Competition named after eminent scientists of IGIC RAS (2009), II Degree Certificate of the Competition of Young Scientists for the best poster presentation at the XIX International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia (RCCT-2013) (2013)
- V. Tyurin – winner of the Competition named after eminent scientists of IGIC RAS (2009), MAIK Science/Interperiodica Award for the best publications published in the journal Inorganic Materials (2010)
- N. Kondrat’eva – II Degree Certificate of the Competition of Young Scientists for the best poster presentation at the XXI International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia (RCCT-2017) (2017)
Grants of the Russian Science Foundation
- 18-13-00025. Physicochemical foundations for development of high-temperature materials based on tantalates and hafnates (2018–2020)
- 14-13-00938. Development of physicochemical foundations for preparation of new molecular and ceramic magnetic materials based on lanthanide compounds (2014–2018)
Grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- 16-03-00897. Features of precritical state of non-electrolyte liquid systems based on diols and amino alcohols (2016–2018)
- 16-29-05204. Self-organizing ferrite films for spintronics, magnonics, and magnetoplasmonics devices (2016–2018)
- 15-03-004388. Physicochemical foundations for the synthesis of lanthanide zirconates as promising high-temperature materials (2015–2017)
- 15-08-08467. Preparation of effective ultrafine and nanoscale phosphors based on complex borates and REE phosphates (2015–2017)
- 13-03-12428. Molecular photo- and magnetoactive metal-organic systems with REE ions as precursors of functional materials (2013–2014)
Projects in basic research programs of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Physicochemical properties of crystalline substances with double complex anions (2015–2017)
Business contracts
- 12/17. Chemical gas-phase deposition of thin films of refractory materials (2017–2018)
Applied research and experimental development projects
- Development of technology for application of refractory inert nanodiffusion coating by chemical vapor deposition applicable to complex shaped products with cavities (2017)
- Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry RAS (Moscow)
- Korzhinskii Institute of Experimental Mineralogy RAS (Chernogolovka, Moscow region)
- Physical Technical Institute, Ural Branch RAS (Izhevsk)
- Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch RAS (Novosibirsk)
- Scientific Production Association “Protective Coatings” (Podolsk, Moscow region)
- Moscow State University (Moscow)
- National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow)
- Saint Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg)
- Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod)