Prof. Mikhail G. Vasil’ev
Head of Laboratory, Dr. of Sciences (Engineering), Professor
- Physical and chemical fundamentals of creating new materials for spintronics based on AIIBV, AIIIBV, AIIBVI and AIIIBIVCV2
- Research into multilayer submicron structures of AIIIBV solid solutions to create miscellaneous devices (lasers, photodiodes, sensors) based on them.
- Synthesis and research into fine crystalline pure and doped oxides in a wide range of crystal sizes (0.02–300 μm) with desired properties. Creation of new catalysts, phosphors, special ceramics, abrasives, and polymer composites based on them.
- Streamlined synthesis of complex oxides with different types of conductivity and magnetic ordering. Creation of multiphase oxide composites for heterogeneous catalytic conversion.
The epitaxial layers of InP and solid solutions of InGaAsP doped with Sn, Te, and Zn were grown. The effect of the ligature on the mobility of charge carriers was identified. The growth on InP profiled surfaces was investigated.
As a result of studying the synthesis of magnetic semiconductors, the main contribution to the formation of the magnetic properties of In and Ga antimonides doped with d-elements was found to be made by clusters, whose composition and Curie temperature vary depending on the content of elements doped.
A technology for producing powdered aerogels of aluminum hydroxide and oxide and magnesium oxide was developed. The possibility of their application for thermal insulation, fire extinguishing agents, and as an additive in ceramic raw materials was considered. The phase states of Li/W/Mn/SiO2 composites obtained by various methods, such as solid-phase synthesis, silica impregnation, and sol-gel synthesis, were studied.
- Lidia A. Azarova Senior Researcher, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
- Aleksey N. Aronov Researcher
- Viktor N. Belan Senior Researcher, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
- Igor L.Voroshilov Head Technologist
- Viktor V. Golovanov Leading Technologist
- Aleksandr D. Izotov Head Researcher, Corresponding member of RAS
- Valentina O. Izotova Head Technologist
- Irina V. Kozerozhets Senior Researcher, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
- Tatyana N. Koltsova Senior Researcher, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
- Sergey F. Marenkin Head Researcher, Dr. of Sciences (Chemistry)
- Georgy D. Nipan Leading Researcher, Dr. of Sciences (Chemistry)
- Georgy P. Panasyuk Head Researcher, Dr. of Sciences (Chemistry)
- Olga N. Pashkova Senior Researcher, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
- Aleksey I. Ril’ Junior Researcher
- Vladimir P. Sanygin Senior Researcher, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
- Aleksey A. Shelyakin Senior Researcher, Ph.D. (Engineering)
- Denis E. Korkin Technologist
- P. Sanygin, A. D. Izotov, O. N. Pashkova, A. E. Baranchikov, A. V. Filatov. Topographic analysis of the surface of the GaSb<Mn> magnetic semiconductor // Inorganic Materials. 2016. V. 52(9). P. 865–871.
- P. Panasyuk, L.A. Azarova, I.L. Voroshilov, V.N. Belan, I.V. Kozerozhets, E.A. Semenov, V.L. Stolyarova, A.D. Izotov. New techniques for processing wastepaper // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. 2016. V. 50(4). p. 660–666.
- D. Nipan, G.A. Buzanov, K.Yu. Zhizhin, N.T. Kuznetsov. Phase states of Li(Na,K,Rb,Cs)/W/Mn/SiO2 composite catalysts for oxidative coupling of methane // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2016. V. 61(14). p. 1689–1707.
- RF Patent No. 2580497. Method of utilization and recycling of recycled from cellulosic waste. G.P. Panasyuk, E.A. Semenov, I.V. Kozerozhets, L.A. Azarova, I.L. Voroshilov, V.N. Belan, A.V. Pershikov. Registration date: 15.03.2015.
- G. Vasil’ev, A. M. Vasil’ev, A. D. Izotov, A. A. Shelyakin. High-temperature buried InP/GaInAsP heterostructure laser diode emitting at 1310 nm // Inorganic Materials. 2014. V. 50(9). p. 888–891.
- V. Fedorchenko, A.N. Aronov, L. Kilanski, V. Domukhovski, A. Reszka, B.J. Kowalski, E. Lahderanta, W. Dobrowolski, A.D. Izotov, S.F. Marenkin. Phase equilibria in the ZnGeAs2–CdGeAs2system // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014. V. 599. p. 121–126.
- RF Patent No. 2465378. Magneto-soft semiconductor material / V.P. Sanygin, O.N. Pashkova, A.V. Filatov, A.D. Izotov, V.M. Novotortsev. Registration date: 27.10.2012.
- D. Izotov, F.I. Mavrikidi. Fractals: divisibility of matter as degree of freedom in materials science. Ed. by Samara State Aerospace University. Samara. 2011. 128 p. [in Russian]
- I. Koroleva, D.M. Zashchirinskii, T.M. Khapaeva, A.I. Morozov, S.F. Marenkin, I.V. Fedorchenko, R. Szymczak. Manganese-doped CdGeAs2, ZnGeAs2 and ZnSiAs2 chalcopyrites: A new materials for spintronic // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2011. V. 323. p. 2923–2928.
- F. Marenkin, V.M. Trukhan. Zinc and cadmium phosphides and arsenides. Minsk: Publisher A.N. Varaskin, 2010. 220 p. [In Russian]
- D. Izotov – commemorative M.V. Keldysh Medal for achievements in Engineering (2012), A.M. Prokhorov Medal (2012), S.I. Mosin Medal and Prize (2001)
- F. Marenkin, I.V. Fedorchenko, V.M. Novotortsev – Prize of the Russian and Polish Academies of Sciences for the cycle of works “Development of physicochemical foundations of new materials technology for spintronics” (2014)
- F. Marenkin – Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in technical sciences for outstanding results obtained in the course of joint research for the cycle of works “Materials and film heterostructures for spintronics and magnonics devices” (2015)
Grants of the Russian Science Foundation
- 16-03-00150. Development of physicochemical foundations for synthesis of bulk and film ferromagnetic composites in systems AIIISb–MnSb, where AIII = Al, Ga, In (2016–2018)
- 15-03-05370. Study into the effect of alloying d-elements on the electronic structure and functional properties of spintronics materials based on antimonides of elements of Group III (2015–2017)
- 14-03-90004. Physicochemical foundations of synthesis of magnetic granular structures in systems Ga(In)Sb–MnSb (2014–2015)
- 13-03-00125. Physicochemical foundations for synthesis of two-dimensional nanocomposite ferromagnet–semiconductor structures (2013–2015)
- 12-03-00851. Synthesis and physicochemical analysis of high-temperature ferromagnetic structures in III–V semiconductor compounds based on impurity dislocation magnetism for spintronics purposes (2012–2014)
- 12-03-31203. Nature of magnetism and production of nanogranular ferromagnetic structures based on ZnxCd1–xGeAs2 solid solutions of chalcopyrites doped with Mn (2012–2013)
RF President grants for State Support of Young Scientists
- MK-1454.2014.3. Development of physicochemical foundations for synthesis of nanogranular structures of semiconductor–ferromagnet as new materials for spintronics (2014–2015)
Business contracts
- 4/12. Development of technological modes for synthesis of high-purity crystalline corundum and raw materials for production of optical ceramics (2012–2013)
- Amirkhanov Institute of Physics, Dagestan Scientific Center RAS (Makhachkala)
- National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow)
- Belgorod National Research University (Belgorod)
- Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Republic of Belarus)
- Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Republic of Belarus)
- Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science (Poland)