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Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGIC RAS) was established in 1934 after the integration of the Institute of Physicochemical Analysis created by Academician N.S. Kurnakov in 1918, the Institute for Study of Platinum and Other Precious Metals created by prof. L.A. Chugaev in 1918, the Laboratory of General Chemistry founded by M.V. Lomonosov in 1748, and the Physicochemical Department of the High Pressure Laboratory.
The foundation of the Kurnakov Institute was dictated by the need for an authoritative center in the main areas of general and inorganic chemistry in the scientific system of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union. Nowadays, IGIC RAS is a recognized leader in the field of inorganic chemistry, solid state chemistry, and materials science in the Russian Federation and abroad.
Fundamental and applied research is widely conducted at IGIC RAS, focusing on solving current research problems in terms of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation, including the field of creating new substances and materials for modern biomedical application, environmental management, power engineering, and transport.
More than 20 specialized laboratories perform their work in IGIC RAS, resulting in high level of scientific potential; the IGIC RAS staff includes 9 Academicians of RAS, 10 Corresponding Members of RAS, 6 RAS Professors, 64 Doctors of Science, and 128 Ph.Ds. The scientific results obtained by the IGIC RAS staff have been published in the leading high-ranking international scientific journals and awarded by prestigious international and domestic awards and prizes.
IGIC RAS is the only scientific institute of the chemical materials science area that has been granted the right to independently award academic degrees (Ph.D. and Doctor of Sciences) pursuant to Decree of the Russian Federation Government.
According to the evaluation of the activities of Russian scientific organizations conducted by the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO Russia) together with the Russian Academy of Sciences, IGIC RAS belongs to Category I.